It’s the plough that ploughs the furrow, but it’s the SUV (front-wheel drive)*** that gets stuck in the mud

Country roads, when it rains, can become muddy, impassable traps, especially for those who, driving an SUV*** – strictly front-wheel drive – trust that they can overcome (almost) any obstacle because their car looks like an off-roader. It looks like an off-roader. Between September and October 2023, at least 13 cars were stuck at theContinuaContinua a leggere “It’s the plough that ploughs the furrow, but it’s the SUV (front-wheel drive)*** that gets stuck in the mud”

Paths and thoughts

I really enjoy taking long walks in nature. Every day, either in the morning or in the afternoon – it depends on when my commitments allow me to do so – I put on my jersey and battle trousers, a pair of comfortable, sturdy-soled trail shoes, and I set off into the hills, accompanied byContinuaContinua a leggere “Paths and thoughts”