Val d’Orcia: the skies, the stories May 19th

She felt an immediate convergence of inspiration. Villa Val d’Orcia was a beautiful blend of old-world charm and modern comforts. She spent her mornings cycling Tuscany’s famous strade bianche, marvelling at the rustic architecture along the way.

Fermodellismo Vintage: the passion for model railways stops in Torrenieri

Yesterday I visited the event Prossima Stazione…. Torrenieri, in a triumph of colours, music, and excellent food, and I had the pleasure of admiring the model railways Fermodellismo Vintage exhibition.

Fermodellismo Vintage, la passione per il modellismo ferroviario passa per Torrenieri

Ieri ho visitato la manifestazione Prossima Stazione… Torrenieri, e oltre ad avere il piacere di immergermi in una festa ricca di colori, musica, sapori (ci si mangia benissimo!), ho avuto la graditissima sorpresa di trovare la mostra Fermodellismo Vintage, con modellini e plastici ferroviari di bellezza senza pari.

Val d’Orcia: the skies, the stories May 17th

Three men and three women, read to do the ‘cycling Tuscany’ and the ‘hiking Tuscany’ to discover how beautiful and fascinating the strade bianche truly are.

Val d’Orcia: the skies, the stories May 16th

As soon as she landed in Florence, she was enveloped in a world of timeless beauty. It was the best time to visit Tuscany, and she had chosen the Val d’Orcia as her destination for her long-awaited holiday.

Val d’Orcia: the skies, the stories May 15th

His journey led him to Val d’Orcia, a land adorned with rolling hills and vineyards, where he could just sit at a table and relax with a glass of Brunello di Montalcino in his hand.

Val d’Orcia: the skies, the stories May 14th

From the vineyards that produce the Brunello di Montalcino red wine to the cobbled streets of charming villages, every corner of the Val d’Orcia seemed to beckon her closer. Cycling and hiking are the best way to explore Val d’Orcia, breathing in the essence of this wonderful part of Tuscany.

Val d’Orcia: the skies, the stories May 13th

With each sip of Brunello di Montalcino and every drizzle of olive oil, he fell deeper in love with the flavours of Tuscany, making his vacanze a truly unforgettable experience.

Val d’Orcia: the skies, the stories May 12th

Arriving at a quaint vineyard nestled among the hills, she was greeted with open arms by the vintner, who welcomed her to experience the essence of Brunello di Montalcino. With each sip, she tasted the rich history and passion that went into crafting this exquisite wine.

Val d’Orcia: the skies, the stories May 11th

His journey took him through the vineyards which provide the grapes for the world-famous Brunello di Montalcino wine, and along the winding strade bianche, where every curve revealed a new vista worthy of his lens.

Val d’Orcia, the skies – May 10th

Theirs was not a holiday in Tuscany, but it was not just about training either. The members of the team could sample the famed countryside trails on the hills of Val d’Orcia, ‘hiking Tuscany’ and ‘cycling Tuscany’, going up for a better view of the breathtaking landscapes.

Val d’Orcia, the skies – May 9th

From the must-see places in Tuscany like the ancient town of Montalcino to the thermal baths of Bagno Vignoni, to the incredible strade bianche, she explored it all.

Val d’Orcia, the skies – May 8th

Arriving in Val d’Orcia, she remained speechless in front of a panorama that stretched as far as the eye could see, with fields of golden wheat swaying gently in the breeze. She wasted no time immersing herself in the local culture, indulging in the exquisite flavors of Brunello di Montalcino and savoring the culinary delights of the region.

Val d’Orcia, the skies – May 7th

They visited must-see places in Tuscany, from the medieval charm of Radicofani and Pienza, to the incredible hot springs of Bagno vignoni, immersing themselves in the rich history and culture that enveloped every corner.

Among the top destinations in Tuscany were the towns touched by the iconic strade bianche, the white gravel roads that led to hidden gems tucked away in the Tuscan countryside: Montalcino, Asciano, Torrenieri…

Val d’Orcia, the skies – May 6th

They visited must-see places in Tuscany, from the medieval charm of Radicofani and Pienza, to the incredible hot springs of Bagno vignoni, immersing themselves in the rich history and culture that enveloped every corner.

Among the top destinations in Tuscany were the towns touched by the iconic strade bianche, the white gravel roads that led to hidden gems tucked away in the Tuscan countryside: Montalcino, Asciano, Torrenieri…

Val d’Orcia, the skies – May 5th

She had heard whispers of the enchanting Val d’Orcia, a region famed for its rolling hills, picturesque vineyards, and timeless charm. With imposing clouds casting dramatic shadows over the landscape, she knew it was the perfect time to visit Tuscany.
From the cobbled streets of Pienza to the sun-kissed vineyards of Brunello di Montalcino, every corner held a new discovery.A cycling tour of Val d’Orcia., on the famed strade bianche, or white roads, where time seemed to stand still.

Val d’Orcia, the skies – May 4th

Il giorno svanisce (The day fades away) – May 4th 2024 The day fades away: The best time to visit Tuscany is now. Whether it’s savouring a glass of Brunello di Montalcino or cycling Tuscany through the picturesque countryside, this region offers the ultimate holiday experience. From hiking in the Val d’Orcia to exploring theContinuaContinua a leggere “Val d’Orcia, the skies – May 4th”

Val d’Orcia, the skies – May 3rd

A tutto vapore (Full steam) – May 3rd 2024 Full steam: Your dream holiday in Tuscany, where every corner unveils a picturesque charm. Whether you’re sipping Brunello di Montalcino amidst the vineyards or traversing the “strade bianche” on a cycling adventure, Tuscany beckons with its timeless allure. From the historic marvels of Montalcino to theContinuaContinua a leggere “Val d’Orcia, the skies – May 3rd”

Val d’Orcia, the skies – May 2nd

Riflessi bronzei (Bronze hues) – May 2nd 2024 Bronze hues: a holiday in Val d’Orcia means tasting the Brunello di Montalcino wine, exploring the ancient streets of Tuscany, cycling on the famous strade bianche, or hiking through scenic trails under the bronze reflexes of the setting sun. Villa Val d’Orcia or Val d’Orcia hotel? DiscoverContinuaContinua a leggere “Val d’Orcia, the skies – May 2nd”

I cieli del 28 febbraio 2024

Grigio-verde (The green and the grey) – 28 febbraio 2024 Come una stanza fumosa (Like a smoky room) – 28 febbraio 2024 A sinistra, Grigio-verde: la foto è stata scattata sotto la pioggia di questa mattina. L’erba risplendeva dell’acqua che cadeva su di essa. Il miglior inizio di escursione che potessi immaginare. Nella foto aContinuaContinua a leggere “I cieli del 28 febbraio 2024”