There’s a dragon in the sky, but you think it’s a pagoda

(An ode to the imaginative power of clouds) Pareidolia is a  situation in which someone sees a pattern or image of something that does not exist, for example a face in a cloud [definition taken from the Cambridge Dictionary] In other words, pareidolia is the phenomenon whereby we see various shapes – human faces, animals, objects – in clouds (or other messy images that we are not interestedContinuaContinua a leggere “There’s a dragon in the sky, but you think it’s a pagoda”

Our five senses are not enough

First there is sight It is through the eyes that you can fill your soul with beauty with the succession of panoramas majestic in their splendour. Cypress trees and villages, farms that seem painted on hilltops, and dust-white roads that separate field from fields and mark the way to the next wonder. There is hearing,ContinuaContinua a leggere “Our five senses are not enough”