Mists from the Val d’Arbia (June 27th)

Like clouds hanging low, the mists cloak the hills and the fields in a mystical embrace.

Mists from the Val d’Arbia (June 27th)

Imagine waking up in your hotel or agriturismo in Val d’Orcia, at the beginning of the Summer, just to see thick mists rolling in from the neighbouring Val d’Arbia. Like clouds hanging low, the mists cloak the hills and the fields in a mystical embrace.

Today, our most beloved Val d’Orcia’s scenic spots offer a different view, rather unusual for this time of the year. And for this very reason, our guests from Texas, England, and Germany are even more fascinated than they thought they would be.

It’s not too good to be true, it’s Val d’Orcia.

The best moment to visit Val d’Orcia is now.

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