Brunello di Montalcino and extra-virgin olive oil (June 4th)

Brunello di Montalcino and extra-virgin olive oil – June 4th 2024

Wine, really g ood wine, and extra-virgin olive oil.

An olive grove and the town of Montalcino. This photo makes your mouth water just looking at it…

Val d’Orcia, a stunning valley in Tuscany, Italy, is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and its exceptional local products. The rolling hills, dotted with cypress trees and ancient farmhouses, create a picturesque scene straight out of a Renaissance painting. The valley is a UNESCO World Heritage site since 2004, and its celebrated for its natural beauty and cultural significance.

Among the many treasures of Val d’Orcia is the Brunello di Montalcino red wine, hailed as one of the finest wines in the world. This robust and complex wine is produced from Sangiovese grapes grown in the vineyards surrounding the town of Montalcino, embodying the rich and earthy flavours of the region.

In addition to its acclaimed wine, Val d’Orcia is also famous for its extra-virgin olive oil. The olive groves, with their silver-green leaves shimmering in the sunlight, yield olives that are pressed into a high-quality oil, known for its fruity aroma and peppery finish.

Val d’Orcia’s culinary delights don’t stop there. Ciaccino, a savoury flatbread, ham, finocchiona, and salame (yes, I know the English word for it is “salami”, but I’m sure you will understand) are among the traditional foods that reflect the area’s deep-rooted agricultural heritage. Pici, a type of hand-rolled pasta, often served with cheese-based (cacio e pepe), or tomato and garlic (all’aglione), or meat (ragù! And ragù bianco – white ragù, made without tomato sauce, is even better!) sauces, is another local speciality that captures the essence of Tuscan cuisine.

In Val d’Orcia, every bite and sip is a testament to the region’s dedication to quality and tradition, making it a paradise for food and wine lovers alike. But most importantly, good, genuine food is part of local culture. Buon appetito!

The best moment to visit Val d’Orcia is now.

For more information, email me on or contact me on Instagram @valdorciaskies

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