Itineraries: The steam train lives on with “Prossima Stazione… Torrenieri” (May 16-19 2024)

Now in its 15th (fifteenth! Congratulations!) edition, Prossima Stazione… Torrenieri, the event organised every year by the Pro Loco di Torrenieri to commemorate the inauguration of the local railway station in 1865. Torrenieri is just 9 km from Montalcino (of which it is a hamlet) and the same distance from San Quirico d’Orcia.

Map of the Val d'Orcia, Torrenieri in the spotlight
Torrenieri is just 9 km from Montalcino (of which it is a hamlet) and the same distance from San Quirico d’Orcia

Above all, the ‘Festa del treno’ (the ‘Train festival’, this is the name by which it is affectionately known) is an opportunity to get together, to get to know Torrenieri and its history, its traditions, its places and its hard-working and welcoming people. This year it will take place from Thursday 16 to Sunday 19 May.

Train festival in Torrenieri, participants wearing costumes
Train festival in Torrenieri, participants and food stands

Four days of celebrations and fun, including music, dancing, entertainment, culture, art, model-making, craft workshops, games and workshops for children, exhibitions and much more. There is also a market where you can buy handicrafts, food and non-food products.

Train festival in Torrenieri, dancing and music
Train festival in Torrenieri, model-making and art

During the four days of the event, which takes place every year at the turn of the third weekend in May, costumed figures bring to life the atmosphere of the late 19th and early 20th century, which reaches its climax with the arrival of the steam train on the morning of Sunday 19 May (the convoy will then depart in the afternoon of the same day).

Train festival in Torrenieri, steam train

For refreshment and relaxation, there is nothing better than sitting at the open-air bar while enjoying a live concert, over a glass of wine or a beer. The food stands (excellent handmade pici and grilled meat) are open every evening, and on Sunday also for lunch. Below you will find the complete programme of the event, with all the numerous events planned.

Train festival in Torrenieri, 2024 edition programme
Il programma completo dell’edizione 2024 della manifestazione.

Prossima Stazione… Torrenieri is a festival that always achieves its goal of entertaining visitors and making them feel at home, thanks to the work of a united and cohesive community that demonstrates its extraordinary welcoming spirit every year.

There is no better way to get to know Torrenieri, the ‘northern gateway to the Val d’Orcia’.

Train festival in Torrenieri, romantic dance

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