Itineraries: the oak “delle Checche” and the Castle of Spedaletto

The giant, majestic oak Quercia delle Checche

The giant oak “Quercia delle Checche” (“cecca” or “checca” is the name the magpie bird is called in Tuscany, so “Quercia delle Checche” means “oak of the magpies”) is a monumental tree located in the Val d’Orcia, locality Le Checche, in the municipality of Pienza in the province of Siena. It is a specimen of oak (Quercus petraea).

It is located along Provincial Road 53 (SP53) and is 8 km from Pienza and 13 km from San Quirico d’Orcia.

How to get to the giant oak Quercia delle Checche from Pienza or San Quirico

The mighty tree boasts an approximate age of almost 360 years. It has a height of 19 metres, a trunk with a perimeter of about 5.0 metres and a crown more than 34 metres in diameter.

In June 2017, the Checche Oak received MiBACT recognition: it is the first “plant monument” in Italy.

The giant oak Quercia delle Checche

The history of the Quercia delle Checche began about 380 years ago. In the mid-1600s, the Orcia plain was still covered with forests of large oaks. Almost total deforestation took place in the late 19th and early 20th century with the construction of the Rome-Florence railway. Only a few plants were left standing, in order to allow shade for farmers, wayfarers and frequently armies (in fact, the Napoleonic army is documented to have stopped under the branches of the great oak). During the Fascist period, the ‘road of the Val d’Orcia’ was built as part of the agrarian reclamation project of the valley, and even on that occasion the Quercia delle Checche was preserved by having the road pass next to it. At the beginning of the 1950s, it was Marquis Antonio Origo who expressly saved the ‘querciona’ or ‘quercione’ as everyone called it in the Val d’Orcia from a final nefarious intervention on the last centuries-old oaks of the Orcia plain, asking the Prefect to intervene so that it would not be cut down.

A giant branch from the oak Quercia delle Checche

When one has it in front of one’s eyes, it is impossible not to be amazed by its extraordinary magnificence! The huge trunk, the large and long branches, and those that have fallen to the ground even gigantic! This strong, gentle giant planted in the heart of the Val d’Orcia is an indescribable spectacle, a living creature that has dominated and distinguished the landscape of this unique land for centuries.

The giant oak Quercia delle Checche in all its mesmerizing greatness

About 3km from the Quercia delle Checche stands the ancient castle of Spedaletto (now an agritourism), a beautiful fortified architectural complex located in the rural locality of the same name in the municipality of Pienza, along the Provincial Road 53 (SP53). The complex was built during the 12th century and belonged to the Spedale di Santa Maria della Scala di Siena.

The beautiful castle Spedaletto

Once there, I defy you not to think you have gone back in time five or six centuries, thanks to the appearance of the majestic building and the silence of the surrounding countryside. The overall effect is extraordinary and enthralling, and you will bless having chosen to visit this particular corner of the Val d’Orcia.

During the 15th century, restoration work was carried out that modified the original appearance of the castle of medieval origin, giving it the appearance of a “grancia” (pronounced “grancha”, a fortified farmhouse); the walled front door dates back to 1446.

Inner yard of the castle Spedaletto

In the 19th century, a building was added to house the storehouse of the grancia.

Near the castle is the church of San Niccolò a Spedaletto with annexed rectory.

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